Monday, August 31, 2009

I love wire!

I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better, though, I've been creative. I have always dappled in wire and jewelry, but I just had a bit of a breakthrough with my wire techniques, and I had to share a few of the results.

Picture the following as a necklace, or suncatcher, or even as a pull for a light...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Calling All Thinkers!

Well, Peter Piper has been going strong these last few weeks, and I'm feeling like he's almost ready to put together in a book. However, I need your help. I want this book to be fun for all ages, so I need to include things that only older people will catch. I'm trying to think of popular sayings that I can make into signs, stores, or something to that effect, but I'm drawing a blank. I've got "cat got your tongue" and that's about it... and that one doesn't make for a very pleasant store title! So, I'm asking your help: comment on this note with any sayings that you know-- especially more recent ones (could I use ROTFL somehow?!), or ideas for cute signs or logos, whatever ideas you have to make this book more for all ages. If I can, I'll definitely work them into it!

Thanks for all your support, and in advance, thanks for your ideas! :)