Tuesday, June 1, 2010


For those of you who know me, you may know I'm kind of sickly. I think I'm done with some issue, and then suddenly I have a whole new one, or some old one that hurts like crazy but there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'm sick of being sick, taking pills upon pills, and when all doctors will do is send me in for the same tests they've already done countless times, I'm thinking I need other options.

I don't know if this is a cure-all; I'm skeptical, like many of you will be. I'm not saying you should jump in with both feet, stop the prescriptions and buy the whole package, but there's no harm in taking better care of ourselves, especially for those of us who aren't good at liking ourselves to start with. And who knows? You just might become a whole new happier person!

Visit Georgie's website. I have met this woman, and she's amazing. She is perfectly healthy, uncommonly happy, and beautiful inside and out. Her story is amazing, and it's worth a listen-- even if you don't think you have anything that needs healing.