Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holiday Craft Show!

Well, it's been a crazy month. I decided to apply for a spot in an art show, and to my surprise, I got in. When I got the acceptance letter, of course I despaired-- I have nothing to show! Who's stupid idea was it to apply for a show without anything to sell? So I did what any upstanding artist would do: I started working like crazy! I bent wire 'til my fingers bled. Then, when they couldn't handle that, I started making stuff with clay. I went back and fourth between mediums until I couldn't take it any more! ...and then my mom came to visit, and helped me do more. Finally, the week is here, and I'm putting the finishing touches on my displays and artwork so that my show can actually go on.

Please come and see me. I even have business cards! ...I'm a little excited. I just got them and I've never had business cards before. I feel very important somehow. It's amazing what a little piece of paper can do! And I would hate for all this work to go to waste! I'm going to be showing my wares from 10am to 5pm on Saturday, November 21st at NASA's annual Holiday Bazaar. It will take place in the Gilruth Center on Space Center Blvd. While I'm sure there will be lots of worthy artists for you to visit, if you're looking for just me, I'll be in the gym along one of the walls. Here's a lovely map that my husband made to help you find the place. :)

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