Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Congrats Sarah Leschinsky

Sarah Leschinsky, winner of the 10/31/10 contest, chose a hand-drawn portrait for her prize. I just finished it, and I must say, I'm pleased with the result. The photos she gave me to use were absolutely beautiful (she's a photographer-- just look at how awesome she is!) and while I can usually draw from any picture, these were a DREAM to work with. I'm all smiles about it. 

I would be congratulating the winner of the most recent contest, 11/7/10, but sadly, I didn't get any entries. Such is life, I suppose. I'll try again, but with the holidays coming up, I don't know how much time I'll have to make prizes, so for the time being, we're just going to have to deal with pictures and ideas. 

Best of the holidays to all of you, and keep in touch! 

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