Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2000 Drawings

I haven't done too much art in the last few days, but I want to keep posting things regularly, so I can make a habit of it, and so you don't forget about me. :)

Today I'm going to post some stuff from my college years-- about 2000. I took a figure drawing class where (you guessed it) we drew nudes. A comment on nudity, quick: a lot of non-artists think of nudity as just a bunch of naked people. A sexual, crude sight. In art, they're not "naked," they're "nude," meaning that it isn't sexual or crude, it's a graceful form. My drawings don't show anything "R" rated, but even drawings that do are often not focused on the sexuality of the human form, but the grace and beauty of nature (and you'll know when it's about sex-- it's a whole different creature). Think of nudes as still-life. Forget the fact that it's a human you're looking at, and enjoy the beauty of shape. That said, here are the drawings. I hope you enjoy them.


  1. Maren, I ADORE the one of the woman!!!

  2. Thanks. :) I like it too- so much that I have it hanging up in our house! I have tons of drawings from this class, and most of them are just rolled together in a closet somewhere, but a few have gotten a special place of honor... at least, they're not rolled up... :)
