Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pop Quiz Drawing Prizes

Well, I'm pleased to report that I have been working hard on some new items. I have created a one-of-a-kind bracelet for last week's drawing winner, and I think I've finished the prize for this week's as well. Care to see?

 When I told Amanda that she'd won and asked her what she wanted, she gave me an excited non-answer-- How is it that someone can have "Yay" and "I don't care" in the same comment? But when I started thinking about what she would like, I looked through my "this-is-cool-but-what-to-do-with-it?" pile, and this oval flower caught my eye. I added in some muses I've been entertaining lately, and this is what I got! I'm pretty happy with it. The back half is just a chain, and the front half is kind of heavy, so I added a little dangle of leaves to counter it. It seems to work pretty well. 

Another item I've been playing with lately is the cuff bracelet. I've created several, and I think this week's prize will be one of them. This one (below), to be exact. Guess now or forever hold your peace! :)  

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